Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Story of Not So Odd Malaysian

The Huh-Huh Chapter 1


hihi..let me tell ya..this is not the first time I am having a blog actually. not as if im tak setia pada yg satu, but then to be honest, I am unable to recall the passwords and the user name..aduh..

Hijau seems to be very refreshing..calm..and would have heard them puji-puji the green colour of is refreshing..I love green. The theme colour for my engagement woud be green :)

Talking about green, I still clearly remember seeing banners, ads and posters along the way from Terengganu to Malacca promoting Green, Healthy Envi and so on which brings me to write about this one issue about promoting healthy environment as well (membebel would sound better)... Last two weeks, I went to Puduraya to fetch my biggie yg naik bus all the way from Malacca. Had to wait for him in Puduraya, for about 2hours due to traffic congestions.

Lapar, starving so I walked around in order to find something to eat at the nearby kiosk. Tiba-tiba I terpijak a chewing gum and that 'thing' actually melekat under my sandal. I tried to get it off. I went to the stairs which led you to the buses downstairs. Then, I tried to get the chewing gum off by kesat2 my sandal at one of the top stairs. Kat situ banyak betul mat saleh, and minah saleh as well. Malu dah masa tu, but then walking with the 'thing' under my sandal memang irritating. I really need to get it off!

One of the mat salehs actually came to me and asked me why. I said, 'Nothing, it's just small matter.' However, that was not actually what I really wanted to say. I wish I could say, 'Oh, this is one good thing about Malaysia. You can simply find 'souvenirs' anywhere, even you can unintentionally step on it!~ We are generous, of course.' Tapi, bila fikir balik...Malaysia is not that bad..because when I was in New Zealand, I still clearly remember seeing a bus-rider 'honestly' put his chewing gum under his seat. Not much difference compared to other countries, I guess.

What differs more is the way you think. How you shape your self-discipline..This thing, happens naturally..Parents or teachers are just simply the model, but kids, you would always be the one to decide what's best for you. But, adults nor caregivers can't say anything even if you don't want anything which is actually good for you. So kids, stay in school!~ ;)